About the Events

2024 Regional Conferences:

California Texas Florida

Join Geographic Solutions for three regional conferences held regionally in California, Texas, and Florida. Register to gain valuable knowledge for all aspects of Version 23 VOS Sapphire AI. Don't miss your opportunity to take part in a full day of system training!

We Are Taking This Show On The Road!


To get our annual Workforce Technology Conference back on a June rotation, we have planned three regional mini conferences in the western, central, and eastern regions. Register to join us at any of the locations below:

If you are encountering an error when clicking any of the registration pages above, please try using the preferred browser, Google Chrome. You can also try accessing by using another browser, a private window or tab within your browser, or by navigating without a VPN. Please also try an external device, such as a phone or tablet. If you are still receiving errors, please email registation@geosolinc.com.

Need help getting approval to attend? We have put together the following two page document with a letter detailing what you will learn, and our agenda. Click the link below for the PDF download.


Request to Attend Letter & Agenda

2024 Regional Conference Agenda

The agenda will still offer exciting and educational content centered around our version 23 (VOS Sapphire AI) release this summer. Join us and experience in-depth system demonstrations that showcase the release’s newest features, as well as an entire day of hands-on system training.


*Agenda will be updated routinely up until the actual event - so please check back periodically.



We also invite you to be our guest at a networking mixer being held at the end of the first day. This social event has been curated to expand your professional network and provide a little facetime with our team. We look forward to seeing you there!

Have any additional questions or concerns? Please email Charlotte Phipps at cphipps@geosolinc.com.