Specialized Job Assistance Sites

Targeted Employment Assistance

With One Common Goal in Mind


Our Job Assistance Portals provide job seekers and employers free access to a complete set of employment tools designed for all levels of computer experience. A virtual ‘one-stop shop,’ the portals assist job seekers with résumé creation, career exploration, skills assessments, upskill opportunities, job applications, training resources, and more. Employers can also post job listings and search for qualified candidates.


Portals provide a custom-branded message of employment assistance and can be implemented as a standalone solution or linked to any statewide system we support. The option to link a portal to a statewide system already in place offers many benefits, including the tracking of individuals and services, as well as meeting requirements for local, state, and federal reporting.


Our veteran portals are designed to help returning veterans find good jobs and to match a state’s military population with employers. This includes matching veterans with jobs based on their military skills and Military Occupation Code (MOC).



These portals assist individuals with disabilities find suitable employment opportunities. They highlight jobs that accommodate the disabled and include content on available local programs that can assist them.



Our senior worker portals assist businesses and organizations with hiring job seekers over the age of 50. The sites provide useful information to older, retirement-age job seekers who wish to remain in - or return to - the workforce or those who are looking to volunteer.



These portals provide career resources for individuals seeking information on green jobs and training in green industries. They offer sophisticated job search tools to identify jobs tagged as green jobs and provide job content for employers. In addition, the portals highlight and disseminate content on green jobs, including data from green job survey results.



These portals assist college students and recent graduates with finding an internship, part-time employment, or their first career position. The sites offer targeted information on career exploration, searching for a job, education and training, as well as a step-by-step guide to building the path to plan, set, and reach short- and long-term career goals.



Our internship portals are designed to facilitate the hiring of interns by suitable employers. Employers can use the portal to post their latest internship opportunities. An individual can then search for these jobs, utilize career resources, as well as create and post a résumé on the portal.



These portals provide a focus on a specific industry sector, such as construction or transportation. The sites can be useful for economic development in a state that is trying to help a specific industry or large employers find the talent they need so they can locate or expand in a local area.



Each state that has requested assistance during times of natural disasters has had different requirements to track jobs that have been created as a result of the disaster. Federal reporting requirements for tracking of individuals who applied for and took these jobs during recovery are captured in the system.


Time and again, Geographic Solutions has developed specialty portals and standalone systems for clients wishing to target specific demographics or as a means to encourage employment efforts. All of our sites are designed to present the necessary resources to overcome barriers and reach gainful employment.

Providing Essential Support

Through Difficult Times


Along with our history of providing workforce development and unemployment benefits and appeals solutions, Geographic Solutions has extensive experience providing continuity for clients during times of natural disasters and catastrophic events, as well as aiding in their reemployment needs thereafter. Through hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and pandemics, Geographic Solutions has provided valuable unemployment support and services to those in need.


Our systems’ flexibility allows for the rapid assistance required when responding to disaster events. Here are just a few of the events we have provided recovery assistance for over the years:

Click Each Image for More Information


Rapid Implementation

For Immediate Relief


In some cases, reemployment assistance is time sensitive due to a national, state, or local disaster. When COVID-19 impacted not only our health, but also the country’s workforce, Geographic Solutions recognized the crucial need for state agencies to move quickly to establish a Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) management system so that affected workers and business owners could access vital support resources and financial relief.


In order to expedite an effective solution, we adapted our Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) module in our Geographic Solutions Unemployment System (GUS) application to handle the requirements of PUA and provide unemployment benefits to individuals who had lost their jobs or self-employment, or who were no longer working as a direct result of the pandemic. We also took special consideration for states establishing their own unique governing parameters outside normal unemployment compensation factors. In spite of these complications, we were able to launch PUA portals in several states in record time. These portals are continuously updated to accommodate changes in legislation. To date, this effort is one of our largest feats.


Because of our software’s Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) configuration, our portals can be rapidly implemented for any state or local agency. The timeline below demonstrates Geographic Solutions’ ability to predict, develop, and deploy software that meets all immediate legislation as well as our ability to pivot and accommodate future regulations.

March 2020

project CARES Act Signed March 27th

April 2020

project-1 LA PUA Launched April 4th
project-2 TN PUA Launched April 13th
project-3 NE PUA Launched April 17th
project-4 PA PUA Launched April 17th
project-5 WV PUA Launched April 24th

May 2020

project-4 AZ PUA Launched May 12th
project-1 NV PUA Launched May 15th
project-2 Guam PUA Launched May 29th

June 2020

project-3 CNMI PUA Launched June 16th

August 2020

project-5 Former President Trump Signs LWAP August 8th
project-4 AZ Distributed LWA Payments August 26th

New Levels of Customer Support

And Innovative Tools for Socially-Distanced Service Delivery


As we began development and rapid implementation for vital support resources and financial support, our team also began looking for creative online solutions that allowed staff, job seekers, and employers to connect virtually and conduct business at a distance.


Geographic Solutions expanded the career tools available in Virtual OneStop Sapphire to include no-touch options that support American Job Centers in their efforts to maintain high service delivery outcomes while protecting the population as individuals return to work. No-touch solutions include electronic document signing and remote signature options, live chat functionality for real-time client support, remote recruiting with Virtual Job Fairs, video conferencing for case management, online skills development platforms, and mock interview tools.

Geographic Solutions continues to be committed to helping state and local communities recuperate in the face of hardship. Our COVID-Recovery Portals will no doubt assist countless residents get back to work and connect businesses with the recruitment, hiring, and training resources needed to keep their state moving forward towards recovery.

Ready to Assist

As Americans Return to Work Post-Pandemic


Amidst the turbulence, Geographic Solutions provided continuity and assistance throughout the first wave of mass unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now stands prepared to support these individuals with labor exchange systems as they return to work.


Even though many businesses had to downsize or, in some unfortunate cases, cease operations, there are numerous employers increasing their hiring efforts in an attempt to provide business continuity, as well as essential products and services. Our COVID Recovery Portals serve as a conduit between job-seeking individuals and the employers who are eager to fill open positions.


Our COVID Recovery Portals highlight large and small employers who are actively recruiting essential workers. These portals also provide visitors with quick links to additional resources provided by American Job Centers, human service agencies, and economic development agencies.


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Learn More About How Job Assistance and COVID Recovery Portals Can Assist Your Area

in Connecting Job-Ready Individuals to Local Employers.