In the Headlines



Press releases from Geographic Solutions and news about our clients' sites

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The online publication, News is my Business, highlights Geographic Solutions' GUS system in a story about Puerto Rico’s soon-to-be-launched unemployment portal.

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Geographic Solutions recently partnered with Cisco to publish a case study that examined how our software has expanded workforce support and accelerated job placement since the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of Cisco Compute Solutions.

Geographic Solutions Named in Top 50 of the 2024 Global Top 100 Inspiring Workplaces list

Geographic Solutions is one of only companies based in North America to be ranked on the Global Top 100 Inspiring Workplaces list!

Geographic Solutions’ In The News Graphic showcasing Forbes article shared by President Paul Toomey

Geographic Solutions’ Paul Toomey has shared his second thought leadership article on Forbes as an official member of the Forbes Business Council.

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Geographic Solutions’ very own, Paul Toomey was profiled in WriteSea’s Executive Interview Series

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Geographic Solutions’ VOS Sapphire software solution has been named a finalist in four categories for the 2024 SaaS Awards

fDi Intelligence (The Financial Times) Highlights Geographic Solutions in Op-Ed

Geographic Solutions was highlighted in an Op-Ed from fDi Intelligence on the many benefits of second chance hiring

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Geographic Solutions was featured in an article published by the prominent trade publication, Government Technology.

Louisiana Illuminator Features Geographic Solutions' Economist, Phillip Sprehe.png

Geographic Solutions’ Senior Economist, Phillip Sprehe shares valuable insight into why the State of Louisiana still hasn’t recovered all the jobs it lost during the pandemic.

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Geographic Solutions leverages Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in its latest version of VOS Sapphire to provide a more intuitive and seamless user experience