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Press releases from Geographic Solutions and news about our clients' sites

FutureWork Systems, a provider of business intelligence web apps specifically designed and developed for the performance reporting and analysis needs of the workforce development system has established a direct data pipeline into Geographic Solutions’ Virtual One Stop (VOS) case management system. Existing VOS clients can easily gain access to comprehensive reporting and data analysis using the intuitive Performance Matters decision support Web applications provided by FutureWork Systems, including access to PMQ, the country’s only Web application allowing for unlimited drill down and benchmarking to the WIB level with national Workforce Investment Act (WIA) data.

Performance Matters web apps provide in-depth access to performance reporting and analyses to help federal, state, local workforce investment boards and other stakeholders tap into program performance data to help inform program and policy decision making for a variety of workforce development programs, including WIA, Wagner-Peyser and Trade Act programs.

“We’ve been tapping into workforce development program data from a variety of case management systems for over 15 years, including the VOS system, for clients across the country,” says Geoff Smith, Partner and VP of Marketing and Business Development for FutureWork Systems. “Having a direct pipeline to VOS data makes our Web apps true ‘plug-n-play’ for VOS users.”

Recently, Geographic Solutions, a leading provider of workforce development and FutureWork Systems began to work closer to realize a VOS-specific business intelligence web application for reporting and analyses offered by FutureWork Systems that capitalizes on the vast amount of data captured within the VOS system, beyond what is required by USDOL. Both companies are excited about the possibilities for delivering to a shared clientele a Web-based business intelligence application that targets VOS user needs.

“Since the cornerstone to our system is based on federally defined data formats, we’ve been capable of tapping into data captured in VOS for quite some time and provide immediate value back to VOS clients and others,” says Smith. “We’re excited that current VOS clients are in a position to immediately receive the benefits of our comprehensive reporting and analysis Web apps without breaking a sweat or the bank, but we are even more excited about the possibilities going forward to deliver increased value for VOS clients as a result of building a stronger relationship with Geographic Solutions.”

“Geographic Solutions is committed to providing our clients with the most effective service delivery and performance management solutions” said Deane Toler, Marketing Director for Geographic Solutions. “To that end, supporting FutureWork Systems expansion of their business intelligence tools to report on all the case management, labor exchange and service activities captured in our Virtual OneStop systems create many exciting opportunities for our customers to identify effective service delivery strategies as well as monitor their performance.”

For over 15 years, FutureWork Systems’ Performance Matters web applications and technical assistance services have served workforce development agencies across the country at the national, state and local workforce board levels, helping them gain insight and deeper understanding of workforce development program performance across a multitude of federal and state workforce programs.

Geographic Solutions, Inc. is the nation’s leading provider of software solutions for workforce development, employment, and training. They have developed state-of-the-art systems for employment and workforce development agencies in more than 30 states. Their software is available to over 75% of job seekers and employers in the country.

Current Geographic Solutions’ clients that use the VOS system who are interested in enabling a FutureWork’s Performance Matters Web application unique to their area for performance reporting and analysis should contact Geoff Smith at FutureWork Systems, 602-288-6775 or for details.

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