Insights and Perspectives

Insights and Perspectives


Read the latest from Geographic Solutions.

Celebrating Contributions to the Workplace Throughout Black History Month

Join us in celebrating Black History Month throughout the month of February.

As AI Increases, So Does the Need for Workforce Development Professionals

Artificial intelligence stands to increase the need for workforce development.

Paving The Way For Reemployment

How the Connecticut Department of Labor is paving the way for reemployment with the Jobs First Employment Services Program.

2022 is designated the European Year of Youth.

Read about the European Union's initiative to lift up young people and support them in their endeavors to take back their lives after the pandemic.


The United States Senate recently passed Resolution 346, which designates September as Workforce Development Month

This year's Workforce Technology Conference is less than two months away, and we're excited to deliver an agenda full of new ideas, innovations, and training opportunities.


It’s time to consider every workforce agency’s greatest asset – the team at the front line. Nurturing, developing, and boosting emotional intelligence (EI) in these crucial positions will change the way you see business, forever.


There are four strategies that your workforce program can use to improve their motivation.

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Geographic Solutions showcased innovations at the 2017 Florida Workforce Professional Development Summit in Orlando, Florida. Discover highlights from our sessions on Virtual OneStop® and tools for enhancing job centers.


Learn about the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, its impact on the U.S. employment system, and the historical roots of national employment services dating back to 16th-century England.