Read the latest from Geographic Solutions.
Learn best practices for résumé development, job search tips, and labor exchange concepts from Geographic Solutions' Corporate Workforce Trainer, Dan Fitzgerald.
Discover how to identify and prevent scam employers on job boards. Learn best practices from industry experts to ensure job search safety and protect against fake job postings.
Discover how Geographic Solutions’ Accessibility Services Team uses JAWS technology to ensure their software is accessible to users with disabilities
What's the best way for frontline staff to get their feet wet with reporting? Watch video featuring Sr. Business Analyst Liliya Tanska to see the answer.
Earlier this summer, Geographic Solutions hosted the 2018 Workforce Technology Conference at the Wyndham Grand Resort on Clearwater Beach. Learn about key presentations on labor market tools, unemployment insurance, and more.
Geographic Solutions showcased innovations at the 2017 Florida Workforce Professional Development Summit in Orlando, Florida. Discover highlights from our sessions on Virtual OneStop® and tools for enhancing job centers.