In the Headlines



Press releases from Geographic Solutions and news about our clients' sites

A bus load of homeless people from Pinellas Hope participated in a pilot program to learn how to search for a job using the Internet.

The South Carolina Department of Commerce has unveiled a new look and new functionality for its statewide case management and labor exchange website.

The San Benito County One-Stop Career Center selected Geographic Solutions, Inc. to provide WIA case management software and VOScan card swipe services to improve service and performance at the One-Stop Center.

In the wake of the destruction and upheaval left by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Louisiana Department of Labor was given the opportunity to change the way workforce development was performed in the state.

By any set of standards, the Employ Florida Marketplace — the State of Florida's online destination for job seekers and employers looking for labor exchange services — was a success.

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services has launched a new Web site to match workers seeking a new job with employers in the state.

The Florida Office of Workforce Development and the Pikes Peak Workforce Center in El Paso County, Colorado implemented Geographic Solutions' VOSJobs Version 7.0 in July, to enhance job seeker services and improve employer services.

On September 10, 2004, officials of the Department of Employment Services (DOES) and Washingtonpost Newsweek Interactive announced a partnership that will link their employment and career building online services, and

The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Employment Security Division has selected Geographic Solutions' Virtual OneStop (VOS) to provide a Web-based labor exchange software solution.

Utah's Department of Workforce Services (DWS) selected Geographic Solutions' VOSJobs job spidering technology to provide job seekers with thousands of jobs to choose from, within one state website.