In the Headlines



Press releases from Geographic Solutions and news about our clients' sites

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services has launched a new Web site to match workers seeking a new job with employers in the state.

Customers from 22 states attended sessions featuring nationally recognized speakers from our customer and partner organizations that included "LMI: the Latest and Greatest," to innovative youth programs in DC, workforce readiness certificates in Virginia, One Stop Certification and more.

The State of Missouri Department of Economic Development has selected Geographic Solutions, Inc. to provide real-time labor market information and job seeker services using the VOSJobs module of the industry-leading Virtual OneStop suite of solutions.

Director of the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (DLT), announced the availability of a new on-line, no charge service for job seekers, students, employers and anyone interested in the state's economy.

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Employment Services Division, has selected Geographic Solutions to provide a web-based Labor Exchange and Case Management Virtual OneStop software solution that will meet the needs for job seekers, state employers, and Wyoming case managers, administration, and staff members.

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations ("DLIR") has selected Geographic Solutions to provide a web-based Labor Exchange and Case Management Virtual OneStop software solution that will revolutionize the way Hawaii job seekers' learn about available jobs, how Hawaii employers' hire employees, and how Hawaii One-Stop staff assist users and perform case management.

A new web site is helping Hurricane Katrina evacuees locate new jobs in the Bay area and across the state.

The Florida Office of Workforce Development and the Pikes Peak Workforce Center in El Paso County, Colorado implemented Geographic Solutions' VOSJobs Version 7.0 in July, to enhance job seeker services and improve employer services.

With thousands of job listings extracted from nearly every employer in Florida, finding job opportunities that fit an individual's needs and skills are easily accessed with a few mouse clicks.

On September 10, 2004, officials of the Department of Employment Services (DOES) and Washingtonpost Newsweek Interactive announced a partnership that will link their employment and career building online services, and